Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sometimes You Have To

Sometimes you just have to be raw. Let go of expectation for a moment and just heave yourself toward your goal. Who cares if you make a funny noise when driving for your highest weight lift? Who cares if you sprint and stumble. Get up.. Try again. Who cares if you need to go to the store for that one thing before bed and don't want to put a face of makeup on. You can't change anyone else or their opinion of you.... so who cares? You know who you are. You know when to put your game face on and how to stay genuine. Believe in yourself and believe in those you love. Let go of the doubt 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Right Now

What do you want to do the least right now? What is it... That just sounds so filled with drudgery, monotony and down right negative association that just feels like..that thing you've been putting off or making an excuse for? Is it the laundry pile in the other room? Is it that run you've been promising yourself but just can't seem to get that extra hour in when your alarm goes off? That is the very thing you need to do. Slice off the haze of irritation, regret and evasion.
Your day will look a little brighter when you slay the beast.